Monday, August 31, 2009

just for you, hambeast!

Sabrina Large
k i cant pretend no more i tried being nice and i tryed acepting you an adam being together but i cant. when i asked you about your age you said you were 20, you dont look like your more then maybe 16 years old an when i mentioned that to you, you d...idnt even deffend yourself nor did you say anything more about it. You look like a child raising a child, and that child doesnt look like adam. Adams like one of my best friends and i dont want to see him getting hurt, especially like that. if i am shown a dna test prooving that child is adams then fine otherwise no i just cant... i cant.... that child looks more like steve coul then anyone else..... so im blocking you i cant pretend anymore i just cant. i hope adam gets a dna test done and i hope your not lieing about your age i really do. Ive known people to use fake id to get into bars, t oget smokes and shit... i know on chick personally that did that an fucked my family over big time.Read More
2 hours ago · Comment · / ·
Sabrina Large
she was no where near the age of 18.. i cant do this no more i cant
2 hours ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier
hmmm...I wonder if this was precipitated by the fact that I think she's a tool? also, I'm not going to block her, because I love the fact that she can see how unbelievably beautiful Adam's and my baby is. Is that a little harsh? whatever. life sucks, honey. put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
about an hour ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier
What do you think, Adrianna fans? is this chick an idiot, or what?
about an hour ago · Delete

David Wolfe Carroll
You are absolutely insane and I have no idea what point you are trying to prove here. This is by far and large the most ridiculous, absurd comment I have ever seen. I actually do not know what else to respond to this. It is stupidity!
about an hour ago · Delete

Alex Veiszer
way to spell steves name, moron
about an hour ago · Delete

Nikita Towe
LMAO! Alleah, I can't pretend no more, I can't. You have the most unbelievably beautiful baby! And looking back at you from 16 to now, I can't believe how much you have grown and matured in 6 short years. I couldn't be more happy that you have found love, and am jealous of your beautiful family.Ps you can scrapbook like no one else!(I think that's what she's trying to say dear!)
about an hour ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier
:D lol, well played Niki, well played!
about an hour ago · Delete

Nikita Towe
Meant every word of it ;)
about an hour ago · Delete

Alex Veiszer
So if she thinks shes so smart why is her grammar so crappy?
about an hour ago · Delete

Amber Card Ginther
girl,from the first time i set eyes on adrianna i saw adam all over her,u are the best mom ever,sabrina was and never will be good enough for adam,well lets face it a snake would not date sabrina,,,she crazy!!!!lol. and anyone who looks at anna can see adam in her if u cant then u come over and i will show u baby pic of adam at her age.not to ... Read Moremention my son, ur nephew drake looks alot like her when he was young.and girl if sabrina thinks u look 16 now,,my god u will look great when ur for sabrina grow up u twit!!!!
about an hour ago · Delete

Amanda Lynne Rossiter
hahaha! What an idiot!!
about an hour ago · Delete

Brianna Akins
wow, i think someone needs toget a life. This chick is a fucking space case. we all went to school together and are obviously the same age. Want me to beat her up? I totally good. I'll beat her up in the name of Adrianna :p
56 minutes ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier
no brianna, I shouldn't have to ask you to do thatkinda should just do it. :D
54 minutes ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier
54 minutes ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier
although I think she'd have to race adam to the cyanide.
53 minutes ago · Delete

Ucre Mattson
hmmm...looks like yet another example of why friends shouldn't let friends drink and get on facebook...ahhh well, lets hear it for yard sales and train wrecks!
50 minutes ago · Delete

Steve Coull
fuck the cunt kick her ass get it over with ill pay good money for it and my names coull not coul :P
48 minutes ago · Delete

Steve Coull
and she was never anyone best friend only in her head he was :P
47 minutes ago · Delete

Amber Card Ginther
besiades adams not friendswith fat chicks
36 minutes ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier
lol, hambeast.
26 minutes ago · Delete

Elizabeth Mattson
wow. that's rough. I mean the grammar that hurts my brain is bad enough, but then when she has the audacity to demand a DNA test, as if anyone cares what she thinks. that's truly amazing. what a ho.
2 minutes ago · Delete

Alleah Marie Poirier

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