Friday, November 20, 2009

baby vomit

ok, Amber, seriously? You want me to blog about baby vomit?

...ok, what do you want to know? You want to know what color? (cream) The consistency? (chunky monkey) How about how it rips my heart out, everytime she looks up at me after puking, looking shocked and sad at how her dinner turned on her. Or about the depressed exhaustion after the fourth straight upchuck at 2:30 AM, wanting to make her better, knowing I can't, and through it all, just wishing I could go back to sleep. Or maybe having to go to work, while baby is feverish and I don't know what to do about it, other than giving her an inadequate-looking dropperful of tylenol?

Naw, you just want to hear if I got facialed, or not. Well, I DIDNT!!! :P


  1. well first I just wanted you to update your blog. But I find this a very satisfying post. Thinking of the look on her face afterwards sounds adorable!!!

    I forgot you were working again!

    Is Anna getting better at you being gone every now and then?

  2. You know she actually is! Thank god... She was fine staying with her dad, but when I started this job, I have to work two nights a week, so I have to leave her with my sister-in-law... She hated it for the first couple weeks! Just fully freakin out, and screaming almost the whole time I was gone, but the last couple times, she just screamed when I left and then was fine after. :) Sparation anxiety sucks. It makes everyone feel like poo. Anna, cause she thinks I'm ABANDONING HER.... Me, cause I feel like I'm ABANDONING HER, and I'm leaving poor Courtney with a complete weiner of a baby. And probably Courtney, cause it sucks dealing with a inconsolable weiner of a baby, lol!

  3. hahah you called your baby a weiner... my mom always called me a dingbat :P
