Wednesday, June 10, 2009

here we are again...

so once more, I begin a new blog. :) hopefully, this one will last longer than tales from the graveyard, or any other silly offshoots of FWP! This blog is intended to pretty much be the sequel to FWP, except with a stronger, smarter more mature Pinto at the helm--and a few new characters, of course!! This gorgeous creature is my daughter Adrianna, and of course her camera-shy daddy! The is the most perfect child born, and makes Jesus look like fetal alchohol syndrome baby. :) Obviously I'm one proud mama bear!

One reason I felt I had to start a new blog instead of continuing the old one is that I have changed in so many ways with Adrianna's arrival, I'm not really the same person anymore. (that and they deleted my old account! :P) I have much more compassion than before. I feel much more female now than ever before. Having a baby was huge, and the Pinto of 2007 is definitely gone. Not completely--get a few Long Islands in me, and I'll start to sound pretty retro FWP, but mostly THAT beast is kept on a leash!

Today, I got to hang out with Kaitlyn and Amber again for the first time since Anna was only a couple weeks old, and it was so much fun reminiscing... AKA House really was a blast, and I really do miss parts of that time. :) The passage of time weighs a lot more on me now than before. Sometimes college feels like yesterday, other times, I feel like I should be getting ready for a ten year reunion! Then I realize how strange it is to feel that way in the first place, given the fact that I'm only twenty one! I am such a gramma trapped in a young adult's body.

Anyways, that'll do for now. I have to kick Facebook's ass until it uploads my damn photo album! The world needs it's Adrianna fix. :) see y'all later!

(oh, and thanks Amber for fixing my ?)


  1. Well, "follower" isn't my first choice, but if it mean more fun with pinto...

    Glad to hear your delivery and such was without a hitch. Your baby is beautiful. Smashing.

  2. I've already updated the link to your blog on mine. lol
